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Škola za frizere

Edukacija je ključ

Zašto Škola za frizere?

Why Senad Hair Academy?
Why School for Hairdressers?

Certificate of retraining

Senad Hair Academy is a private institution for adult education and we have a Certificate of Retraining issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton. After completing a six-month education and passing the Final Exam, you are retrained as a hairdresser.

Educational team

Our educational team of the School for Hairdressers provides special attention when giving education at the School for Hairdressers. They will patiently explain and help about everything. In addition, in our educational team, educators are hairdressers who have many years of success in this business.

Possibility of employment and opening your own salon

Our academy cooperates with hairdressing salons in BiH. After graduating from the academy, with the certificate you have the opportunity to get a job and open your own salon. Also, you have the possibility of employment in one of the salons with which our academy cooperates, with our recommendation.

Cijena Škola za frizere




trajanje 5 mjeseci

ponedeljak - četvrtak

09:00 - 13:00

kompletna osnovna edukacija za frizera

dodatni troškovi:
Završni ispit 150KM
Potrošni frizerski materijal

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